In 2014 I had posted some encouragement on Facebook to my game-friendly friends to take a look at a Kickstarter project called FORETOLD: Rise of a God. My friend Steve Port is one of the principle people behind it, and he is highly respected in the game community for his game events, gaming supply products, and just being an all-around good guy. (Full disclosure- he also has modeled for me from time to time for various game illustrations!) Very pleased to say that they greatly exceeded their Kickstarter goals, and the game was published. A little while after I posted that initial heads-up, Steve contacted me to ask if I'd be interested in doing an image for the game as part of a special set of promotional cards for backers of a certain level and higher. The character I was assigned is Peleus: King of the Myrmidons, and father of Achilles. One of the Argonauts who accompanied Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece. His sword has the power to essentially ensure victory in battle.

©2014 Legion Supplies
Fun bit of mythological history: the Myrmidons sprang to life from ants, via the power of Zeus. I chose to incorporate some evidence of that origin story on Peleus' chest. Additionally, the crosspiece of the sword is done in the shape of horns to allude to the Golden Fleece, the objective of the Argonauts' quest.